HOLLERINN Patrick ‘John’

Category: Military
Rank: Sergeant Major
Regiment or Ship: 226th Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery
Service Number(s): 13854
Date of Birth: 1883
Date of Death: 08.09.1917
Place of Death: Italian Military Hospital, Queens Square, London, WC1 Place of Burial / Memorials:

Bexhill on Sea Cemetery.  Plot C.C.L7

Address: 13 North Road, Sidley

Photos and newspaper articles

Family Information

Even after extensive research Patrick’s parents cannot be found but we do know that he married Lottie Allen Bristow in the first quarter of 1917 in Battle, Sussex. He called himself John and he seems to have gone by this name more often than Patrick.

 Patrick died of cancer in the Italian Military Hospital in London.  He was a Roman Catholic and he was buried on 13th September 1917.   His coffin measured 6’ 6” x 1’9” and seems to have been made of Abura wood. His obituary appeared in the Bexhill Observer dated 15th September 1917.

First World War Experience

Patrick enlisted on 14th October 1914 but nothing else can be found of his war service. He was awarded the Victory Medal, the British War Medal, and the 14 Star.

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