DUNK Harry

Category: Military
Rank: Rifleman
Regiment or Ship: London Regiment (Post Office Rifles)
Service Number(s): 375853
Occupation: Post Office Worker
Date of Birth: 1889
Place of Birth: Bexhill on Sea, Sussex
Date of Death: 11.08.1918
Place of Death: France Place of Burial / Memorials:

Pernois British Cemetery, Halloy-Les-Pernois

Address: Gunters Lane, Bexhill on Sea

Photos and newspaper articles

Family Information

Parents:          Charles Dunk (1861-1928) and Elizabeth Ann Dunk, nee Adams, (1865-1954).


Edith Dunk (1900-1977); Doris Dunk (1902-1903); Albert Dunk (1904-1984).

First World War Experience

Harry’s Service Records have not survived but we do know that he died in France on 11th August 1918.  The following article appeared in a local newspaper:

“A letter from a hospital in France has conveyed to Mr and Mrs Charles Dunk, of Gunter’s-lane, the sad news of the death of their eldest son, Rifleman Harry Dunk, London Regiment. Rifleman Dunk was formerly on the telegraphic staff and afterwards a postman at Bexhill. He was popular with his comrades.  He joined up at the age of 18, and was in the London Regiment with many others from the postal services. He had been only two months in France.  On the 8th instant he was wounded by a shell in the abdomen, and was taken into hospital. Everything possible was done for him but he never rallied; and on 11th he passed away in his sleep.  He was 19 years of age.

The internment was in a British military cemetery.  A cross with his name and regiment marks his grave.”

Harry was awarded both the Victory Medal and the British War Medal.

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