Join the Park Life Trail: A quiz for children
Rediscover a place full of surprises with a free nature & history quiz for children and their parents visiting the Museum and Egerton Park this summer.
First Thursday Coffee Mornings are back
Bexhill Museum’s ever popular First Thursday Coffee Mornings are back with all the old favourite features – raffle, book sales, bric-a-brac and good conversation.
Holiday Activities & Food Programme (HAF)
Our part in the Holiday Activities & Food Programme inspired by Marcus Rashford MBE, open to children aged 8-11 receiving benefits-related free school meals.
The story of Bexhill’s pre-war Nazi girls’ school
How Bexhill came to host a finishing school for daughters of the Nazi elite, and inspired Eddie Izzard’s new film, Six Minutes to Midnight.
The Izzard family story behind the Winter Wartime Model Railway
Eddie Izzard tells Sky News how the story of his father’s return home as a wartime evacuee inspired the creation of the Bexhill Winter Wartime Model Railway.
How Bexhill marked VE Day 1945 – buns, bonfires & thrupn’y bits
As the war in Europe ended, Bexhill & Sidley’s parents & community groups ran children’s street parties, and a town honoured the sacrifices of its citizens.
Bexhill Museum temporarily closed to the general public
In line with government recommendations, and along with other heritage venues, Bexhill Museum was closed to the general public on Thursday 19 March 2020.
Megan Traice MBE: Tireless community champion
In a lifetime’s good work, Megan founded women’s refuge, helped establish Pebsham Primary School and secured Bexhill Museum’s future in its darkest hour.