Edward Shoesmith 1803 – 1889

One of the eight smugglers captured during the famous Battle of Sidley Green in 1828. They were Spencer Whiteman, Thomas Miller, Henry Miller, John Spray, Edward Shoesmith, William Bennett, John Ford and Stephen Stubberfield. Edward Shoesmith died at the age of 86 in New South Wales, Australia, where he had been transported for smuggling. The prison record of New South Wales in 1829 describes Edward Shoesmith thus:

Name: Shoesmith, Edward. Age: 26. Education: Read & write. Religion: Protestant. Single or Married: Married. Family: 5. Native Place: Sussex. Trade or calling: Ploughs and reaps and indoor servant. Offence: Smuggling. Where tried: London. When tried: 10th April, 1828. Sentence: Life. Height: 5′ 5″. Complexion: Sallow, much freckled. Colour of hair: Light brown. Eyes: Light hazel. How disposed of: Jas. Davidson, Lower Wilberforce. Small scar over right eye. Woman on right arm. Edward Shoesmith, (Prisoner’s no: 29/2686) was granted a Ticket of Leave on 18 March 1838. conditional upon his remaining in the district of Patricks Plains (ref: A.O. 4/4118). A Conditional Pardon for Edward Shoesmith was granted on 13 August 1845. (Ref: A.O. 4/4448).

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