Giving objects to our collection

Considering donating an item to Bexhill Museum?

Every year Bexhill Museum receives scores of offers from people who wish to donate items to the collection. But we are short on both display & storage space, so we need to be choosy about what we take – after all, we literally have to look after them forever!

We are also short on volunteers, curatorial experts and time to look at every item. This is why we ask you to use our online enquiry form to send in details about the artefact on offer, before you bring it in.

Please fill out the form with your name and contact details, plus a description of the item and a note telling us all you know about its history and ownership. If we would like to follow up, we’ll be in touch, but please don’t be offended if we decline your offer.

For further guidance, please contact [email protected] and put the words ‘Donation Enquiry’ in the subject line.

Form for potential donations to the museum

  • Keep it short - we'll take more details later
  • Please be as precise as possible.
  • Please briefly describe the item.
  • How did you come to own it? What is its history? Is there a Bexhill connection?
  • Limit: 20MB. Please save and send texts as PDFs. You can upload up six files. Please wait for them to finish uploading before continuing with the form.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpeg, gif, png, pdf, mp4, mpeg4, mov, Max. file size: 20 MB, Max. files: 6.
    • Terms & Conditions

      Bexhill Museum is not obligated to accept donations or to preserve them in perpetuity. Donated physical items, if accepted, will be accessioned and used for future public benefit in line with national standards and good museum practice.
      The curator’s decision is final in all matters.
      You must be over 18 to submit material, or an adult must submit it on your behalf. Please, only submit details of potential donations that you personally own.

    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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