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Hotel Riposo

The hotel was built in 1901 and, shortly after, the owner applied for a license to sell intoxicating liquor but, for some reason, later this application was withdrawn.

The following notice of the intention to apply, appeared in the Bexhill Observer, dated August 3rd 1901

“In the Petty Sessional Division of Hastings”

“I, Matilda Emma Gibson, now residing at The Hotel Riposo, Dorset Mansions, Marina, in the Parish of Bexhill, in the Said division and County, widow, HEREBY GIVE YOU NOTICE that it is my intention to apply, at the General Annual Licensing Meeting, for the said Division and County, to be holden at the Sessions Court, at Hastings, in the said County, on the 24th day of August next evening, for a Licence for the Sale of Spirits, Wine, Beer, Porter, Cider, Perry, and other Intoxicating Liquors, to be drank or consumed in a certain House, and in the premises thereunto belonging, situate at Dorset Mansions, Marina, in the Parish of Bexhill, and known as the Hotel Riposo, and which I intend to keep as an Inn, Alehouse, or Victualling  House.”

“Given under my hand this 31st day of July, 1901.”

“M. E. Gibson”

The Hotel Riposo was, eventually, demolished in 1961 and Cavendish Court now stands on the site.