304 BDY808 serv to Leamore 5-1967 304 BDY808 in depot yard 22-11-1959 304 BDY808 Sunbeam-Weymann H56R 11-1966 304 BDY808 at Lower Farm Estate 13-8-1964 304 BDY808 306 BDY812 serv to Walsall ex Hastings 37 306 BDY812 serv to Wolverhapmton on roundabout 306 BDY812 serv to Blakewall 5-1967 306 BDY812 serv to Wolverhampton in Townend St 25-7-1961 307 BDY813 ex Hastings 38 in Walsall 308 BDY814 + 341, depot yard 308 BDY814 Walsall serv 8-1966 308 BDY814 in depot with passengers on board 308 BDY814 ex Hastings 39 308 BDY814 Wolverhampton serv @ Walsall-Willenhall boundary 22-11-1959 309 BDY816 serv to Blakewall in Darwall St 1-8-1963 309 BDY816 Walsall serv ex Hastings 41 310 BDY819 circular serv 5-1965 341 HDH958 + 304 BDY808 bus station 1-8-1963 870 XDH70 new, 307 BDY813 Wolverhampton serv @ Willenhall 11-6-1961