BRADSHAW Arthur William Archibald

Category: Military
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Regiment or Ship: 1st Battalion Royal West Surrey Regiment
Date of Birth: 1895
Place of Birth: Bitterne, Hants.
Date of Death: 25.09.1915
Place of Burial / Memorials:

1.   Loos Memorial France       2. Town Memorial Bexhill.

3.   St.Stephen’s Church Memorial Bexhill.

Address: Osmington, 58 Dorset Road, Bexhill

Photos and newspaper articles

Family Information


Father:       Arthur Evelyn b.1865 Weymouth, Dorset d.29.1.26

Mother:     Elizabeth 1866 Kenilworth, Warwick d.1918


Sister:         Elizabeth b.1893 Richmond Surrey.

Sister:        Kathleen b.1894 Weymouth Dorset.

Brother:    Hercules b.1898 Chiswick, Middlesex d.1962

The 1911 census records 5 live births, 3 deaths.

First World War Experience

Arthur served in France and Flanders. He was awarded the 1915 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal.

Additional Information

His fathers occupation is listed as Private Means (1901/11 censuses).The family had at least three servants, and the children had a governess who lived in (1901 census).

Arthur’s father left over £25,000 in his will in 1926.

Brother Hercules also seved in 1914/18 war and was awarded the Military Cross in September 1918 (he was 20 years of age).  He appears to have been a career army man, certainly still serving in 1920 and again in1930.

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